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Child of Eden
pridal Nemesis T-TYPE 17.6. 2011 o 20:18 (naposledy upravené 17.6. 2011 o 20:19)


   © 2010 Ubisoft Entertainment. All rights Reserved. Child Of Eden, Ubisoft and the Ubisoft logo are trademarks of Ubisoft Entertainment in the US and/or other countries. Microsoft, Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox LIVE, and the Xbox logos are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies and are used under license from Microsoft. . “PlayStation” is a registered trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.


                  Child of Eden


I called this my game of the show at TGS back in September of 2010, so as you can imagine I've been dying to get my hands on Child of Eden. In Japan we still don't have a launch date, so like REZ before it I had to import it. In the video show shown the Kinect is used through-out, you can use the controller but using Kinect just gives the player an experience that they've never felt, a feeling



of conducting an orchestra.

Enjoy the videos.

I called this my game of the show at TGS back in September of 2010, so as you can imagine I've been dying to get my hands on Child of Eden. In Japan we still don't have a launch date, so like REZ before it I had to import it. In the video show shown the Kinect is used through-out, you can use the controller but using Kinect just gives the player an experience that they've never felt, a feeling of conducting an orchestra.


Enjoy the video


       Child of Eden

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